Secretariat Report 2015 to 2017 - Sister Merla Cardenas
San Francisco Filipino Cursillo Secretariat Report
August 15, 2015 to September 30, 2017
Praise and Thank God for the ABUNDANT Blessings granted to the SF Filipino Cursillo Communities! Too many Servant Leaders to thank, so I will not indicate names in the event that I will miss mentioning a Servant Leader. However, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I would like to Praise and Thank God for Sis Sabina Gotuaco for updating the website.
On August 15, 2015, at the Commissioning of the new Secretariat members, goals have been set up for the term of service. Foremost of all is for the Secretariat activities and events to be transparent and visible to the community, parishes, SF Archdiocese, Regional, National and the World Cursillo Movement. Calendars of Events have been posted and announced in every meeting, School of Leaders, and Ultreyas.
The Secretariat members have actively participated in ALL of the scheduled Regional, National Encounters, Ultreyas, and the May 2017 World Ultreya in Fatima, Portugal. At the Region XI Encounter in Fresno, Secretariat members stepped up to COOK for the Encounter, Lord Help Us! As always, Our Lord provides what we NEED, and we were able to transport a caterer and a whole kitchen to Fresno to feed 300 Cursillistas from ALL Region XI dioceses. “Ang sarap at busog lahat!” The members also shared their Three T’s (Time, Treasure & Talent) by presenting the “Christianization of the Philippines,” a creative production created by the self-giving talent of our dear Sis Caridad “Chary” Pautin. It was presented to the 2015 San Francisco Grand Ultreya at St Anne’s of the Sunset, the 2016 National Encounter in Chicago, and the Regional Ultreya in San Bernardino, California.
After several decades, since the last hosting, the San Francisco Filipino Secretariat will now host the Region XI Grand Ultreya scheduled for August 4, 2018. We need Servant Leader volunteers to organize the Grand Ultreya. Please sign up now!
Active participation in the Filipino Ministry Consultative Board (FMCB) included: Simbang Gabi Commissioning for several years with our very own PAROL, donated by Sis Marylou & Bro Mario Santos; dancing in the Gala for two consecutive years; first in the “Rigodon de Honor,” Filipino Dialects (Tagalog, Ilocano & Visayan) Dance Medley; and the Modern Dance Exhibition. A Secretariat member was in the planning Committee of the Gala and First Sinulog/Santo Nino celebration. All FMCB events were held at The Cathedral of St. Mary the Assumption.
Since the Cursillo Movement is an authentic ministry of The Archdiocese of San Francisco, the other goal for the Secretariat is to update the Pastoral/Apostolic Plan and present it to the Archbishop of San Francisco. God willing, this goal is closer to fruition since the Apostolic/Pastoral Plan is on the final draft and signing. Praise and Thank God for the many hours spent in updating the PLAN, led by Deacon Mar Tano.
Accolades to the Cursillo Proper Section led by Servant Leaders Sisters Luz Chin and Abbie Ruth Reguindin, for revising the Three-Day Cursillo weekend to cover all activities and Rollos with enough time to rest and sleep!
Praise and thank God for St. Andrew's Church in Daly City, for being the permanent venue for most of the Cursillo events! For Fr. Briccio Tamoro, SVD, Pastor of All Souls Church in South San Francisco, who welcomed the Filipino Cursillo Community to All Souls Parish where the Welcome Ultreya was held on October 28, 2017.
All for the love and for the Greater Glory of God,
Sis Merla Cardenas
Coed Tagalog Cursillo # 287 August 1974
Saint Benedict’s Center, San Francisco, CA
Decuria Santa Catalina de Siena
Lay Director, August 2015 to September 2017
San Francisco Filipino Cursillo Secretariat
August 15, 2015 to September 30, 2017
Praise and Thank God for the ABUNDANT Blessings granted to the SF Filipino Cursillo Communities! Too many Servant Leaders to thank, so I will not indicate names in the event that I will miss mentioning a Servant Leader. However, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I would like to Praise and Thank God for Sis Sabina Gotuaco for updating the website.
On August 15, 2015, at the Commissioning of the new Secretariat members, goals have been set up for the term of service. Foremost of all is for the Secretariat activities and events to be transparent and visible to the community, parishes, SF Archdiocese, Regional, National and the World Cursillo Movement. Calendars of Events have been posted and announced in every meeting, School of Leaders, and Ultreyas.
The Secretariat members have actively participated in ALL of the scheduled Regional, National Encounters, Ultreyas, and the May 2017 World Ultreya in Fatima, Portugal. At the Region XI Encounter in Fresno, Secretariat members stepped up to COOK for the Encounter, Lord Help Us! As always, Our Lord provides what we NEED, and we were able to transport a caterer and a whole kitchen to Fresno to feed 300 Cursillistas from ALL Region XI dioceses. “Ang sarap at busog lahat!” The members also shared their Three T’s (Time, Treasure & Talent) by presenting the “Christianization of the Philippines,” a creative production created by the self-giving talent of our dear Sis Caridad “Chary” Pautin. It was presented to the 2015 San Francisco Grand Ultreya at St Anne’s of the Sunset, the 2016 National Encounter in Chicago, and the Regional Ultreya in San Bernardino, California.
After several decades, since the last hosting, the San Francisco Filipino Secretariat will now host the Region XI Grand Ultreya scheduled for August 4, 2018. We need Servant Leader volunteers to organize the Grand Ultreya. Please sign up now!
Active participation in the Filipino Ministry Consultative Board (FMCB) included: Simbang Gabi Commissioning for several years with our very own PAROL, donated by Sis Marylou & Bro Mario Santos; dancing in the Gala for two consecutive years; first in the “Rigodon de Honor,” Filipino Dialects (Tagalog, Ilocano & Visayan) Dance Medley; and the Modern Dance Exhibition. A Secretariat member was in the planning Committee of the Gala and First Sinulog/Santo Nino celebration. All FMCB events were held at The Cathedral of St. Mary the Assumption.
Since the Cursillo Movement is an authentic ministry of The Archdiocese of San Francisco, the other goal for the Secretariat is to update the Pastoral/Apostolic Plan and present it to the Archbishop of San Francisco. God willing, this goal is closer to fruition since the Apostolic/Pastoral Plan is on the final draft and signing. Praise and Thank God for the many hours spent in updating the PLAN, led by Deacon Mar Tano.
Accolades to the Cursillo Proper Section led by Servant Leaders Sisters Luz Chin and Abbie Ruth Reguindin, for revising the Three-Day Cursillo weekend to cover all activities and Rollos with enough time to rest and sleep!
Praise and thank God for St. Andrew's Church in Daly City, for being the permanent venue for most of the Cursillo events! For Fr. Briccio Tamoro, SVD, Pastor of All Souls Church in South San Francisco, who welcomed the Filipino Cursillo Community to All Souls Parish where the Welcome Ultreya was held on October 28, 2017.
All for the love and for the Greater Glory of God,
Sis Merla Cardenas
Coed Tagalog Cursillo # 287 August 1974
Saint Benedict’s Center, San Francisco, CA
Decuria Santa Catalina de Siena
Lay Director, August 2015 to September 2017
San Francisco Filipino Cursillo Secretariat